Overall Points Rules:
The overall series prizes will be determined by using each racer’s highest points from 4 of 7 series races. You must enter 4 series races to qualify for overall series prizes.
NEW THIS YEAR, the tie-breaker will be a 1/4 sprint shootout at the NEOCX Series Finale. This tie-breaker will apply to any racers tied in standings regardless of place, top three, middle three, bottom three. Everyone has the chance to fight for their final standing.
Points will be awarded for women and men in each of the following categories:
Junior Boys 10-12
Junior Boys 13-14
Junior Boys 15-18
Junior Girls 10-12
Junior Girls 13-14
Junior Girls 15-18
Masters Men 35+
Masters Men 45+
Masters Men 55+
Masters Men 65+
Masters Women 35+
Women’s Open Cat 4,5
Women’s Open Cat 1, 2, 3
Men’s Open Cat 4,5
Men’s Open Cat 3,4
Men’s Open Cat 1, 2, 3
Singlespeed Women
Singlespeed Men
Points may not be transferred from Category to Category. For example, if you race as a Category 5 in Races 1-3 and then are upgraded to category 4 in Race 4, you do not lose your Category 5 points for Races 1-3, but you will start with 0 points in the Category 4 race in Race 4.
1) Junior Men 15-18 racers will race alongside the Men’s Category 3/4. They will be eligible for M3/4 race and NEOCX series podiums and prizes and listed with the M3/4 in the results. They will also be eligible for separate junior podiums and prizes. (Special note: If there are two registration fields in a pre-reg system, pick the cheaper one).
2) Junior Women 15-18 racers will race alongside the Women’s Category 3/4/5. They will be eligible for W3/4/5 race and NEOCX series podiums and prizes and listed with the W3/4/5 in the results. They will also be eligible for separate junior podiums and prizes. ( Special note: If there are two registration fields in a pre-reg system, pick the cheaper one).
3) Masters categories have an age floor but no ceiling. 45+/55+/65+ Masters racers looking for an additional challenge may race in the 35+ category.
4) Cutting of the course is not permitted. Once the exit of the pit has been passed then you must continue on the course to the next point of entry.
If you do not finish (DNF) a Race, that Race will count as an eligible Race for the overall Series and you will receive 1 (one) overall Series points for that Race.
Series Prizes:
Fun stuff, very minimal monetary value, but you also get the pride of saying you’re the baddest mofo in cyclocross land.
Place |
Points |
Place |
Points | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 100 93 87 82 78 75 73 71 69 67 65 64 63 62 | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26+ DNF DNS | 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 (and so on…) 1 0 |